Thursday, 25 April 2013

Motivational Interviewing for Quit Smoking | How To Apply

Motivational Intervention

For patients who are not ready mentally to make a quit attempt for smoking, health care provider should apply motivational intervention to motivate and inspire patient to quit smoking initially. They are not desired or willingly to stop smoking may due to some reasons, such as lacking of information and facts regarding the harmful effects of tobacco, unaware of financial impact. Besides, they may also have fear of failure or concerns about quitting, as well as the experience of being demoralized because of previous relapse. Hence, motivational intervention should be acquired to educate and reassure these patients towards the first step of stop smoking.

Motivation is a dynamic process. It is multidimensional, fluctuating and may be defined as the probability that a person will enter into, continue and adhere to a specific change strategy. It is absolutely the first key to success.

The 5R Strategies applied in motivational intervention are "Relevance", "Risks", "Rewards", "Roadblocks" and "Repetition". It is advised that health care provider to apply the key principles and strategies in order to efficiently make the 'program' a success.

Tags: How to apply motivational intervention for quit smoking, motivational intervention approach

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