Saturday, 13 April 2013

How To Boil Eggs

There are variety ways to boil an egg, depending on the preferred style you want to make, whether you want it to be soft-boiled, hard-boiled, or over-boiled. The most typical and common would be using the appliances which can be easily purchased from most of the markets or food store that purposed for boiling eggs at an affordable price. The appliance is very easy to use and there is a guide on the level of water you need to put in to boil the eggs to the degree desired.

How to boil eggs

In case if you don't want to buy the appliance, the alternative will be using the metal made cup or bowl. Pour the boiling water into the and cover it. Wait for around 15 minutes before you open it up. The degree of boiled eggs depends on the capacity of water that the container can hold. Once you get used to the volume of boiling water used and time needed, you can adjust and get the boiled eggs up to your preference.

Another way would be cooking the eggs directly. However, notes must be taken that you should not boil over 15 minutes as this may results in whites rubbery while yolks become crumbly. Also, never boil the eggs rapidly as this will cause the eggs to turn rubbery and tough. It is always preferred to cook  the eggs at low temperature slowly.

Tags: How to boil eggs correctly, how to boil eggs properly, how to soft boil an egg easily, quick guide on boiling eggs

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